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E3 Consulting Serves as the Independent Engineer in Support of a Secondary Phosphate Tailings Recovery Project

E3 Consulting served as the technical advisor to Mineral Development Holdings, LLC, reviewing its plans to develop and construct a 35,000-square-foot facility in Bartow, Fla. to recover and process phosphate tailings into marketable phosphates.

Polk County Industrial Development Authority issued a $90 million municipal financing bond for the Project in October 2020. Founded in 1950, Mineral Development Holdings has long been involved in the mining and reclamation industry. Construction of the project will begin in late 2020, with the projected completion by the end of 2022.

Paul Plath, E3’s President, led the technical advisory assignment. E3 will continue to support the Project throughout construction.

For additional information, contact Paul Plath at or 303.762.7061.