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Due Diligence and Technical Advisory Services

E3 Consulting Services is a full-spectrum technical advisory firm delivering specific engineering services for energy and infrastructure projects, specializing in independent engineering, owner’s engineering and field engineering.


Founded in 1999, E3 has a wealth of experience, having reviewed over 2,000 projects with a total value of over $120 billion. We are a top-tier advisor involved with numerous award-winning projects.

Solution Oriented

Our top goal is to help our clients identify and understand the risks and challenges of a project, then provide advice and solutions to reduce those risks while preserving the bottom line.

Full Service

As a full-spectrum technical advisory firm, we provide services and solutions across the entire lifecycle of a project. Our multidisciplinary team understands the dynamic challenges and mercurial fluidity of complex and capital-intensive projects.

About E3 Consulting Services

E3 is a technical advisory firm providing reviews and consulting on complex capital-intensive energy and infrastructure projects for lenders and equity firms, project developers and owners, regulators, and other advisory firms. We offer the full spectrum of services during the lifecycle of a project, from its earliest days to project closure.

Our team of multidisciplinary professionals is there every step of the way, from owner’s engineering support during a project’s development phase to independent engineering for pre-financing to construction and start-up services and beyond.

Founded in 1999, E3 has the proven experience to identify and solve the potential risks and challenges that could deter financing or cause costly delays once a project is underway. Our solution-oriented approach mitigates those risks and prevents unnecessary expenses, and thus allows our clients to succeed.

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Years Experience

Our Services

From providing development support at the earliest levels, to retrofitting and decommissioning, E3 Consulting Services provides solutions at every step of the project lifecycle.

Owner’s Engineering & Project Development Support

Helping clients move through the many moving parts of a project’s early development phase.

Independent Engineering & Project Financing

Ensuring an asset is a good investment and mitigating any potential risks to securing financing.

Construction & Independent Monitoring

Regular monitoring and evaluation during the construction phase to resolve potential issues before they cause problems.

Distressed Asset Evaluation & Restructuring

Minimizing risks in challenging situations with solutions that put faltering projects on more solid ground.

Ownership Change

Reliable reviews and assessments to help ensure smooth transitions when projects merge or change ownership.

Retrofitting & Decommissioning

Full service reviews and compliance evaluations for older projects undergoing a retrofit or nearing end of life.

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100+ GW Financed Projects


Team Members

Our Work Process

From start to finish, E3’s experienced, multidisciplinary team breaks down your project challenges and provides successful solutions that see it through.


We start by understanding the full scope of your project and its potential risks, so we can quickly develop a strategy that moves you forward.

Project Planning

Our expert team works with you to create an agile, comprehensive plan that can adapt as the project moves through milestones.


We work with you through the project’s execution to ensure a successful outcome for the project through its completion. We are with you every step of the way.

We’re ready, are you? Let’s get started!

We are dedicated to providing the highest level of support and expertise and want to know more about your project.