Over 15 years in the making, the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL) is now operational. E3 provided a due diligence review and an Independent Engineers report for financing the acquisition and construction of the 149-mile pipeline that is collecting anthropogenic CO2 from multiple industrial sources in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and transporting it to southern Alberta mature oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery and sequestration. Wolf Midstream will construct, own, and operate ACTL CO2 capture, compression, and pipeline transportation assets. Wolf is funded in part by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and will receive significant development reimbursements approved under the Province of Alberta’s Carbon Capture and Storage Funding Act (2009). Additional public funding is provided by the Government of Canada under the Federal EcoETI Program and the Federal Clean Energy Fund Program. ACTL CO2 flow rates are expected to reach 4,400 tonnes per day in 2020. For additional information regarding the project or our services, please contact Al Rettenmaier, leader of E3’s Oil, Gas & Chemicals practice at ar@e3co.com.