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Al Rettenmaier to be a speaker at Platts 2nd Annual Hydrogen Markets America Conference

E3’s Al Rettenmaier, leader of our Oil, Gas, and Chemicals sector, will join a group of industry executives to discuss “Hydrogen, Decarbonization & Energy Transition” on May 5, 2021. The Conference will take place virtually. For additional information about the conference, check out the website for the 2nd Annual Hydrogen Markets Americas Virtual Conference from S&P Global Platts. If you have any questions about E3’s hydrogen project capabilities, feel free to contact Al at And be sure to keep a lookout for E3’s upcoming podcast series, The Top Three by E3, which will feature a number of episodes on hydrogen, hosted by Ginger Elbaum with Al.

Al will be speaking on “Hydrogen, Decarbonization, and Energy Transition” on May 5th.