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New Podcast: Carol Ho discusses “The Latest Developments in ESG”

In the most recent “The Top 3 by E3′ podcast, E3’s environmental engineer, Carol Ho, P.E., and Ginger Elbaum, E3’s managing director, discuss the newest developments in Environmental & Social Governance (ESG) movement ( Noting that ESG has entered the mainstream because shareholders and stakeholders want to know that the companies they are investing in share their values of sustainability and equity, and do not have ties to corruption, environmental destruction, or human rights abuses, Carol reflects on the latest developments.  In this podcast, Ginger and Carol dive into the context and anticipated regulatory changes in this area.

One of the most compelling developments is the movement toward standardizing ESG metrics, which will be further solidified by the release of proposed rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding climate disclosures from public companies.  Listen as Carol and Ginger discuss the SEC rules, reaction to the proposed rules, and ESG trends in other parts of the world.  For additional information about E3’s ESG services, please reach out to Carol Ho at